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Reflection - Art Portfolio 2

     The second term started with the new concept of the art portfolio, which means the concept was slightly different from the last term art portfolio. This term's art portfolio was more interesting and new because we did the work in collaboration with classmates, and even though we were not in one progression route, we were challenged to manage it. The brief for this project is to rebuild a city called Cromwell in Connecticut because of the destruction. As a fashion designer, this project made me step out of my comfort zone because on the two terms, I made collections as the project assessment, but this term, the project was decided by the tutor as to what I needed to make and create. I have never created formal attire, such as a school uniform or city costume. Nevertheless , the new things give me new experiences and new knowledge to create a different thing, not only a collection that is based on my preference, but more to the other preference and for the other becau...

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